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Descubro GORJ dibujándolo (I colour Gorj County) - Spanish (Code: PM1)

Product language: Spanish.
This program, a genuine tour of the county GORJ consisting in images, is more than a simple coloring program; it is an invitation to discover the beauty and diversity of landscapes, wealth and attractions that the county GORJ has to offer.

Product description

I discover GORJ by colouring it!
Let’s colour Gorj together!

“The images in the program have been divided in many small and easy to colour surfaces. Each of you will be able to create his own combination of colors in order to build a wonderful album of memories from the county of Gorj (Romania).”

And it’s not just a coloring program! It’s a program that will allow us to discover: emblematic venues of Gorj and the municipality of Targu Jiu, colour palettes, interesting information about various places and sights in the county of Gorj.

What exactly will we discover and colour you ask? Places and things like Transalpina,the gorges of Sohodolului, the Tismana Monastery, the fountain of Samboteanu, the Cave of Wimmen, downtown of the city Targu Jiu, traditional houses in Gorj, the Parang Mountains, the image and work of Constantin Brancusi from Targu Jiu, the Tudor Vladimirescu College and many others…

And for everything to be even more captivating and fun, besides the audio information, while coloring we also have various animated surprises that pop un unexpectedly in the middle of the drawing. Your children will be thrilled!

- rich information on each landmark (audio);
- usage of the gyroscope;
- modern and intuitive interface;
- surprise animations hidden among the objects you need to draw;
- a realistic colored image for each landmark;
- a set of representative images for the county of Gorj and for Constantin Brancusi.

This game will help your child to develop his imagination and perspicacity.
If you want more educational software products look for the PitiClic collection.

- Educational content.
- Fun and amusing.

The developer of this application is already known for his educational and interactive software that addresses the children with ages between 3 and 11 years and also for other applications used in mobile devices.

For children with ages between 4 and 8 years.

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Product line:

PitiClic Bebe
PitiClic Senior
PitiClic Mobil
PitiClic Activ

Age range:

Primary cycle
Classes I-IV




Aesthetic education
Musical education
Behavior in society
Emotional Intelligence
Exploring the environment
Logic and agility
Motility and orientation

Contains games for mat PitiClic:


Product type:


Operating systems:

Mac OS

Work plans that PitiClic offers to you to use it with your children at home or at kindergarden!

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Colaborare PitiClic si TVR2

Infomedia Pro vă aduce la cunoştinţă lansarea în data de 02 Martie 2014 a concursului educaţional PitiClic în cadrul emisiunii “În curtea bunicilor” difuzată săptămânal duminica de la ora 10:10 la TVR2, într-un nou sezon plin de farmec si de aventuri, cu multe surprize pregătite de către producători.

Alături de Bunica (Alexandrina Halic) şi Bunicul (Cristian Mitescu) – actori minunaţi care ne-au încântat şi ne încântă prin harul lor - PitiClic va modera un concurs educativ numit simplu „Concursul PitiClic”, pentru copii de la 6 la 11 ani.

Concursul se desfăşoară între 2 echipe de câte 3 copii (echipa Bunicului şi echipa Bunicii) şi are trei probe pe care aceştia trebuie să le traverseze cu succes. Cele 3 probe ale concursului sunt diferite de la o ediţie la alta, dar au un singur numitor comun: distracţia. Ele pot fi probe digitale ce vor fi rezolvate pe calculator, tabletă sau cu ajutorul device-ului „Covoraşul PitiClic” sau pot fi probe de manualitate cu utilizarea altor produse educaţionale marca PitiClic.

Acest concurs este o nouă activitate din cele realizate de către Infomedia Pro pentru promovarea metodelor de învăţare moderne bazate pe utilizarea calculatorului şi a device-urilor mobile, pentru integrarea utilizării software-ului educaţional în procesul de învăţare al copiilor cu vârste între 6-11 ani.

Deci fiţi alături de noi, PitiClic vă aşteaptă pe TVR2!

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The theme proposed by us is useful to teachers and students for mathematics in the compulsory school cycle. The issues faced by school teachers/parents are the difficulty with which students read and understand the lessons/examples/synthesis in order to assimilate technical terms. The echoic and iconic memory facilitates the learning of the specific curriculum of linear, spatial and analytical geometry by the students using digital platform designed by us; it facilitates the acquiring of the theoretical elements of applied geometry by encoding-decoding, so that the teacher's role becomes the one of the advisor and not only a person who transmits the information. The utility of the program extends from mainstream schools to special schools.

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Infomedia Pro 1997-2024. All rights reserved.

S.C. Infomedia Pro SRL; Sediu social: Bucuresti, Str. Caminului, Nr. 12, Sector 2;
C.U.I.: RO9932261 Nr. inreg. Registrul Comertului: J40/8785/1997; Capital social: 200 lei