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La medalla de la cooperación (The cooperation medal) (Code: PM48)

Product language: Spanish Nick and Dia fight the dragon of conflict (The tale of cooperation)

Product description

Motto: Kids, get ready for success!
Through this story, children will learn how to manage their emotions!
Conflicts are everywhere. They affect our lives and make us lose confidence in our friends and colleagues. But if we know how to solve conflicts, they become a source of progress. A child that knows how to communicate, that collaborates with others, that knows how to survive a conflict is popular among others and happier.
Studies show that people who know how to cooperate develop harmonious relationships with the people they interact with, are more popular, and end up having happy families.
Your child loves playing on the computer. We offer you a program that will amuse them, help them develop, give provide the ingredients for success. The cooperation medal is a captivating animated tale for children and a powerful educational instrument of practical psychology.
The story is based on the book “The 7 medals of success” written by Georgeta and Ion-Ovidiu Pânisoara, teachers at the University for Psychology and Education of Bucharest.

• Interactive story for little ones with big hearts
• Helps develop the emotional intelligence of children
• Colour, music, animations and funny sounds
• Educational content for the whole product

Each story is divided in three parts:
An introductory movie that contains a short, funny, interactive moment
A story with interactive elements that will be discovered in each scene
A musical story (allegory) that will strengthen the knowledge acquired, based around hip-hop rhythms
Made by Infomedia Pro, with 16 years of experience in developing educational software and producer of the PitiClic, PitiClic senior and PitiClic Active series of educational and interactive products.

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Product line:

PitiClic Bebe
PitiClic Senior
PitiClic Mobil
PitiClic Activ

Age range:

Primary cycle
Classes I-IV




Aesthetic education
Musical education
Behavior in society
Emotional Intelligence
Exploring the environment
Logic and agility
Motility and orientation

Contains games for mat PitiClic:


Product type:


Operating systems:

Mac OS

Work plans that PitiClic offers to you to use it with your children at home or at kindergarden!

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Colaborare PitiClic si TVR2

Infomedia Pro vă aduce la cunoştinţă lansarea în data de 02 Martie 2014 a concursului educaţional PitiClic în cadrul emisiunii “În curtea bunicilor” difuzată săptămânal duminica de la ora 10:10 la TVR2, într-un nou sezon plin de farmec si de aventuri, cu multe surprize pregătite de către producători.

Alături de Bunica (Alexandrina Halic) şi Bunicul (Cristian Mitescu) – actori minunaţi care ne-au încântat şi ne încântă prin harul lor - PitiClic va modera un concurs educativ numit simplu „Concursul PitiClic”, pentru copii de la 6 la 11 ani.

Concursul se desfăşoară între 2 echipe de câte 3 copii (echipa Bunicului şi echipa Bunicii) şi are trei probe pe care aceştia trebuie să le traverseze cu succes. Cele 3 probe ale concursului sunt diferite de la o ediţie la alta, dar au un singur numitor comun: distracţia. Ele pot fi probe digitale ce vor fi rezolvate pe calculator, tabletă sau cu ajutorul device-ului „Covoraşul PitiClic” sau pot fi probe de manualitate cu utilizarea altor produse educaţionale marca PitiClic.

Acest concurs este o nouă activitate din cele realizate de către Infomedia Pro pentru promovarea metodelor de învăţare moderne bazate pe utilizarea calculatorului şi a device-urilor mobile, pentru integrarea utilizării software-ului educaţional în procesul de învăţare al copiilor cu vârste între 6-11 ani.

Deci fiţi alături de noi, PitiClic vă aşteaptă pe TVR2!

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The theme proposed by us is useful to teachers and students for mathematics in the compulsory school cycle. The issues faced by school teachers/parents are the difficulty with which students read and understand the lessons/examples/synthesis in order to assimilate technical terms. The echoic and iconic memory facilitates the learning of the specific curriculum of linear, spatial and analytical geometry by the students using digital platform designed by us; it facilitates the acquiring of the theoretical elements of applied geometry by encoding-decoding, so that the teacher's role becomes the one of the advisor and not only a person who transmits the information. The utility of the program extends from mainstream schools to special schools.

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Infomedia Pro 1997-2024. All rights reserved.

S.C. Infomedia Pro SRL; Sediu social: Bucuresti, Str. Caminului, Nr. 12, Sector 2;
C.U.I.: RO9932261 Nr. inreg. Registrul Comertului: J40/8785/1997; Capital social: 200 lei